CalorieCap App Mobile View

Fast Food
Smarter Choices

Find restaurant meals that match your nutrition goals. Track calories, discover new dishes, and make informed choices.

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CalorieCap App

Why Choose CalorieCap?

Personalize your selections

Find restaurants nearby and filter meals by macro limits, dietary preferences, and individual allergens.

Track with confidence

Get accurate nutrition information for restaurant meals. No more guessing calories or macros when dining out.

Discover new favorites

Explore a wide variety of restaurant options that fit your nutrition goals. Find new dishes you'll love without compromising your diet.

App Only Features

Unlock more when you download the app

Filter by Macros

Filter by Macros

Refine your search for meals using detailed filters for Protein, Carbs, Fat, Sugar, and Sodium.

Use your Lifestyles

Use your Lifestyles

Lifestyles let you quickly filter by specific diets, such as Keto, Vegetarian, Low Carb, and others.

Exclude your Allergens

Exclude your Allergens

Store your allergies on your account and permanently exclude any meals containing them.

Restaurants near you

Restaurants near you

Not sure where to eat? Use your current location to only search from nearby restaurants.

Clean Eats

Clean Eats

Find the healthiest restaurant meals based off your set CalorieCap and location.

No Advertisements

No Advertisements

Frustrated by Ads? So are we, but they sustain us. CalorieCap+ ensures an ad-free experience.

What Users Are Saying

Real feedback from the Reddit community

This is the best idea for an app ever! Helps take some frustration out of going out to eat when you're trying to be vigilant about calorie overconsumption!


My biggest challenge when eating out is struggling to choose between what I actually want most and what would be a wiser choice. Being able to only view the options in my caloric budget will help me immensely.


Oh my gosh this is a lifesaver since it is so much quicker than finding nutrition info. I love it!


Filtering by specific macros is a total game changer. Now I know which cheat meals can actually fit my macros.


I love this! My dad loves to eat out and I haven't been spending as much time with him because I automatically think it won't fit my calories. This will totally help!


This is so helpful for me staying on my cut while still going out with friends, especially being able to sort by macros.


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Download CalorieCap and start making smarter meal choices today!

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